This is a place where ORS will be blogging about their current work in progress, Dream Game.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Raven Knight
Hi, I am the other half of ORS (Outer Realms Software). I am working with Tigress on this project, which is the first game project of ORS. We will be documenting our progress on this game right here on this blog, we are making it using the Unreal Development Kit with iOS support. We should be able to release it for the iOS when it is done, so those of you with iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad will be able to download it and play it. Like Tigress, I will be doing a bit of everything in the game... modeling, level design, coding... that's what has to happen when the company consists of two people working out of their living rooms! ^_^ So check back here often for the latest update! Thanks for subscribing to this blog! ^_^